Thursday, August 18, 2011

August, 2011 - Michele visits us in San Miguel

Delicious dinner at our house - front left looks like
 potatoes but it is roasted grapes!

Church in Santa Rosa de Lima
 Our cousin Michele Rapp came to visit us for a week during our 5 weeks back in San Miguel before we head off for Ecuador (in early September). Visitors always give us a chance to repeat fun things and to add a few new ones. Here are some pictures from a small town about one hour from here - Santa Rosa de Lima where we walked through a beautiful forest and then when the rain came found ourselves inside this beautiful little church - just in time to keep from getting soaked. After, we continued our walk and then had time to visit the small pottery factory right on the main street that sells pottery world wide.

all our friends on our daytrip to Santa Rosa de Lima

Pottery factory, before paint

We were joined by our friends Kris and Cedric and our new friends, Meredith and Jerry. One of the things we love about SMA is the many interesting people we meet (mostly gringos) and from each we share and learn new things. Meredith and Jerry are our mentors for our adventure after next which will hopefully be walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela Spain which we plan to do in the spring of 2012. They walked it this past spring and are providing us much enthusiasm as well as details for packing, carrying, etc.
Painting pottery - colors become much
more vivid after firing

my favorite picture - baskets in the street

Michele helping the youngest kids at Ojala

Guanajuato for the day
One of Michele's favorite memories from last year was spending time with the children of Ojala in San Miguel Viejo, a small indigenous community about 15 minutes from centro. This time she helped the little ones with a sewing project while I worked with the older kids making art from coffee filters.
We went by bus to Guanajuato for another fun day out of town. All in all it was a great week with her.

at the mercado in Guanajuato - colors are great
Now we are both back to our regular activities before we head south. I am taking another spanish class to review and integrate all 9 tenses that I have learned over the year (quite a challenge), going to yoga and have taken a drawing/journaling/meditation drawing class so when I have spare time, draw and use watercolor to record my memories. I am trying to get into the habit so I can keep it up in South America.  Richard continues his spanish, yoga, tennis and volunteering with several organizations helping them with accounting and databases.

Mercado in Guanajuato

The next installment of this blog will probably come in September from Ecuador.
Once again we say love to all of you and we are glad you are along with us on our travels. We love you.